Welcome to the homepage for Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine's fourth annual Transcription Tuesday event on 4 February 2020.
Every year, we ask readers to join us in indexing and transcribing thousands of unique records throughout the day, helping to make them more widely accessible to researchers across the globe.
Whether you can spare a few minutes or a few hours, it's the perfect opportunity to delve into some fascinating documents and give something back to the family history community.
No matter where in the world you live, all you need is a computer, an internet connection and a passion for genealogy!
But this year, for the first time, we're also hosting an in-person Transcription Tuesday event.
Family historians will get together and decode Royal Navy records from the First World War at the heart of UK family history in The National Archives.
How do I get involved?
This year, we’re partnering with two of the world’s biggest family history websites – FamilySearch and Ancestry, via their free World Archives Project.
We’re also working with two smaller projects opening up records of the First World War – the Internment Research Centre and Royal Navy First World War Lives at Sea.
Just click the links on this page to hear from the coordinators of all four projects about why they matter and how you can help.
Whether you’re an experienced transcriber or new to the project, and whether you have all day to give or just a few minutes, there’s something you can do to contribute, and we’d love you to take part.
As ever, please share photographs of you at work, interesting stories you uncover and any other comments on Twitter using #TranscriptionTuesday, on our Facebook group or forum, or by emailing us.
Make sure you also sign up to our weekly email newsletter for the latest Transcription Tuesday updates and reminders here.
If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch!
Transcription Tuesday 2020 projects

FamilySearch: Parish Registers
Discover the lives of people who were baptised, married and buried outside the Church of England by transcribing nonconformist records from Essex, Gloucestershire, Lancashire, Northumberland and Norfolk.

Ancestry: West Midlands Police Records
Transcribe detailed records of police officers who served across the West Midlands from the 1860s to the 1940s for Ancestry's free World Archives Project.

Royal Navy First World War Lives at Sea
Help create a database of First World War Royal Navy records with this partnership between The National Archives and the National Maritime Museum.

Internment Research Centre
Unlock the records of German and Austrian civilians and soldiers detained at Stobs Military Camp during the First World War.