My parents got married on 24 December 1944 at Walberton Parish Church in Heathfield, Sussex. My mother, Doris Hill, was a Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes (NAAFI) canteen manager at Camberley army camp where my father, Ted (James Edward) Steer, was based as a member of the Royal Army Service Corps.

Mum’s sister Nellie Hill was in the Women’s Land Army. She’s also next to her in the wedding photo.

This photo shows my mother Doris in her NAAFI uniform.

Here is Dad (left) in India’s Deolali transit camp on 30 March 1946, waiting to return to England.

Here is Mum again with her Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes team at Camberley army camp.
She is sitting on the left of the cup that they won for the best-run NAAFI canteen.